Yoga workshop Breathe your way to better performance
With Rebecca Coales Sunday 2nd November Spaces available
We think more about food than we do breathing even though we
can last only a few minutes without breathing. Breathing is not only essential, it is directly linked to our
ability to relax and focus the mind. Where the breath goes the mind follows, so
by controlling the breath we can tame an unruly mind - what an attractive
During this relaxed 3-hour workshop we’ll look at breath in the flow of asana sequences (such as sun salutation), as well as seated and lying exercises to expand, lengthen and also explore the pauses between each breath. It’s in the pause between breaths that you can learn to experience a still mind. We'll explore how we breathe when active and passive,
and practice a range of simple breathing techniques, known as pranayama, that
help to energise, balance and calm the body and reduce mental chatter. When
used regularly, deep yoga breathing can boost your performance in sport and on other
nerve-wracking occasions such as presentations, speeches and interviews.
You’ll be encouraged and supported to reflect on sensations and feelings
that arise from each of the exercises. Handouts on the techniques will be
available to take home, including a short home practice suggestion. All
equipment is available at the studio and refreshments will be provided
mid-afternoon. Everyone is welcome including complete beginners. Please wear
comfortable clothes to allow you to sit and move comfortably. Cross-legged
sitting is not essential.
Rebecca has achieved the UK national record for swimming underwater on one breath and is one of Britain’s best apneists (apnea is Greek
for ‘breath-hold’). She uses these exercises to relax and focus her mind before challenging
swim performances. You can read more about her experience in the Dec issue of
OM Yoga Magazine, which is available to read at the YogaSpace studio.
Date: Sunday 2nd November Time: 14:00 - 17:00pm Location: Bristol YogaSpace Please get in touch with Rebecca for a booking form and payment info. Cost: £28 (£26 concessions) Spaces available