This day of yoga will give students the opportunity to explore the teachings of renowned yoga teacher Peter Hersnack. The focus will be on “The Living Breath: an art of yoga”, a book which is a translation of a retreat Peter ran in France a few years ago.
Peter saw yoga practice as an art of relationship; putting different parts of the ourselves into relation with each other. Bringing together the body and breath, breath and mind, and this 'Other' within us. All of this comes into a meditative practice so that they can meet and support each other.
Peter was a student of TKV Desikachar's in India in the 1970s and dedicated the rest of his life to exploring the profound meaning of yoga and teaching this. Peter's principle teachings were around yoga being at the service of life. To practice, to feel the transformation of body and breath until being truly at home and in direct relationship with what is.
A wonderful chance to explore the teachings of Peter through Marian's direct study with him over many years.